Location scouting app for photographers and filmmakers. Store and organize your shoot locations!
MapAPic has been the best location scouting app for iPhone for several years running. Recommended by IndieWire, Condé Nast Traveler España, and Imaging Resource, and featured in the book Handheld Hollywood.
Created by a photographer for photographers and film makers, it saves you time and effort by organizing all your shoot locations, with geotags, pictures, tags and notes. You can also see the times of sunrise, sunset and the golden and blue hour for all your locations. Streamline your workflow with MapAPic, so you can spend more time creating.
Recommended by: IndieWire, Condé Nast Traveler España. Featured in the book Handheld Hollywood.
For the free version of the app (with an in-app upgrade option), please download MapAPic LE.
• Instantly save any location, with photos and the GPS position
• Create locations from existing pictures using their EXIF GPS data
• Print your locations, or share them by email in PDF format
• Get the times of sunrise, sunset, Golden and Blue hour for your saved locations
• Full-text search in your location database
• Tag and "favorite" locations to organize them
• View saved locations as a list or on a map
• Email your locations to other users of MapAPic
• Get driving directions to any location
• Street address is auto-detected for the locations you save
Definitely best app of its kind.
-- Michael Weber
I'd highly recommend it for anyone who doesn't already have a location app. The normal asking price is a bargain.
-- Logichazard
Awesome app!!! Going to make location scouting a lot more convenient!
just purchased your app. BRILLIANT! :) thanks so much!
-- @andrew1110
Map-a-Pic is faster than Evernote in that it does specifically what it's designed to do.
-- @snarkyvegan
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