The ICG Safety App is a safety reference in the palm of your hand for IATSE Local 600 members and working professionals in the motion picture and television industry.
The app now features two-way communication for users who submit safety hazard reports, allowing for real-time texting with a Local 600 Business Rep. Find critical safety information, such as anonymous safety hotline numbers, industry-wide safety bulletins, in-depth articles about safety and what to do in an emergency, safety videos, and information on Local 600’s Rides & Rooms initiative.
Pro Filmmaker Apps is a curated database that can help you get a job done a little better or a little faster. This is a fairly regularly updated resource of hundreds of mobile, tablet, watch, and desktop apps. We only include apps made for and used by film, television, and digital media professionals.
No Film School"[T]he Best Curated Filmmaking Apps. ... A great resource for filmmaking apps. ... Pro Filmmaker Apps is just doing us a solid by creating a database."