About the Avid MediaCentral App

Developer & Support

App by AvidTwitter @Avid

Developer's Description

Access your newsroom and Interplay Production systems from anywhere using the Avid MediaCentral | UX mobile app on your iPad or your iPhone. Stay in sync with the newsroom while you're working in the field, review content and browse media while in editorial meetings, or use your iPad or iPhone to replace printed scripts on the set.

MediaCentral | UX Compatibility

The following devices (tablets and phones) and operating systems are supported with MediaCentral UX:

• Devices using iOS 8.x are supported on Avid Central v1.8, MediaCentral | UX v2.0 and later
• Devices using iOS 9.x are supported on MediaCentral | UX v2.2 and later

The MCS 2.x servers are supported with MediaCentral | UX v2.5.x on iOS 9.x devices. For more information on MediaCentral Platform Services compatibility with the MediaCentral | UX mobile app for iOS devices, see Avid's Knowledge Base.

Comprehensive access

• View all of your system queues and stories
• Stories include normal text, presenter text, close captioned text, and production cues
• Browse and play Interplay assets

• For easy and quick access, mark and store your frequently-used folders, queues, assets, and stories as favorites
• Auto-login available to eliminate the need to re-enter your user credentials
• Move between stories using the Sidebar queue view, or move to the next / previous story directly from the story view using gestures
• Cache stories or rundowns on the local device to view in offline mode

Presenter mode

• Customize your display options for font size, text display, and skipping blank stories
• Real-time updates
• Rundown is backed up locally, so that you can continue working if you lose connectivity
• Paginated Scripts eliminate the need to scroll up or down

Sequence review
• Play a story's associated Interplay Production video sequence directly from the embedded video player
• Launch a sequence into the full-screen player to see more detail

MediaCentral | UX on your iPad or iPhone requires connectivity to your Avid MediaCentral and iNEWS systems. Your organization may require a VPN connection to access your system remotely. If you have issues connecting MediaCentral | UX to your system, or if you would like to add MediaCentral | UX to your Avid environment, please contact your system administrator.

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    This is the date of the app's last update that we manually reviewed. It may have updated since then — or maybe not.
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Last Updated on PFA: February 21, 2018  |  Added on PFA: March 30, 2016  |  App ID: 423

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