About the Actor Genie App

Developer & Support

App by Actor Genie, Inc.Twitter @theactorgenie

Developer's Description

Find your dream role, get advice from Hollywood stars and top industry professionals

This is the only App created and curated by a Hollywood Casting Director.

Actor Genie gives you the inside track to get your career jump started

Original content everyday from well known Actors and Directors like : Mark Ruffalo, Lizzy Caplan,Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, Amanda Seyfried,Kerry Washington, America Ferrara, Elle Fanning, Michael Pena, Lee Daniels,

Actor Genie comes from the award winning casting director, Heidi Levitt. She cast the Oscar winning film, "The Artist" and films for directors like Oliver Stone, Wim Wenders and many more acclaimed directors. She created Actor Genie for the aspiring actor,the professional actor, and for anyone interested in film and TV production.

"Actor Genie Works, I used the Actor Genie App and found my way to the
casting director Heidi Levitt, who then cast me in "The Artist," and
now the ensemble cast is nominated for a SAG award. How cool is that.
Thank you Genie." Adria Tennor, Actress

Inside the Genie

* What's Casting: Up-to-the-minute scoop on what's casting in Film and
Television in Los Angeles and New York City

* Contacts: Access to Agents, Managers and Casting Director
information. Stay in the know with what Casting Directors are
currently casting.

* Today's Take: The Genie's insider advice and tips from well-known
actors, directors, writers, producers and casting directors

* A photobooth and video function for your own Genie headshot and a
chance to video your own personal Genie "slate" all with a click of
one button on your iPhone or iPad. Tell us "Why do you want to act?"

*Best videos made with your genie App will be feature on YouTube
Channel TheActorGenie

** Featured in 2010 and 2011 on the front page of the iTunes App Store**

** One of Backstage's "˜Top Ten Apps for Actors'**

** Featured on New York Film Academy's, "˜Acting Apps'**

** One of Appcrawlr's top 100 apps for Actors**

Fine Genie on facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Contact Info

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    This is the date of the app's last update that we manually reviewed. It may have updated since then — or maybe not.
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Last Updated on PFA: October 24, 2018  |  App ID: 52

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Based on 5 tags: Actors, Casting Directors, Directors, Screenwriters and Producers

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