About the TouchOSC App

Developer & Support

App by R.J. Fischer

Developer's Description

TouchOSC is a modular OSC and MIDI control surface for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad.

It supports sending and receiving Open Sound Control messages over a Wi-Fi network using the UDP protocol and supports both CoreMIDI and the Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer interfaces for sending and receiving MIDI messages.

The application allows to remote control and receive feedback from software and hardware that implement the OSC or MIDI protocols such as Apple Logic Pro/Express, Renoise, Pure Data, Max/MSP/Jitter, Max for Live, OSCulator, VDMX, Resolume Avenue 3, Modul8, Plogue Bidule, Reaktor, Quartz Composer, Vixid VJX16-4, Supercollider, FAW Circle, vvvv, Derivative TouchDesigner, Isadora and many others.

The interface provides a number of different touch controls to send and receive messages:

- Faders
- Rotary controls
- Encoder controls
- Push buttons
- Toggle buttons
- XY pads
- Multi-faders
- Multi-push
- Multi-toggles
- Multi-xy
- LEDs
- Labels
- Time & battery displays

Additionally the program can send Accelerometer data. The application comes with example default layouts and completely custom layouts can be constructed using the free TouchOSC Editor application.

Please go to http://hexler.net/touchosc for more information, video demonstrations and download the free layout editor application for OS X, Windows and Linux.

If you like TouchOSC, check out SonicLife, another OSC-enabled controller application by hexler.

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    This is the date of the app's last update that we manually reviewed. It may have updated since then — or maybe not.
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Last Updated on PFA: March 11, 2018  |  Added on PFA: June 20, 2010  |  App ID: 65

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