App by Red Giant Software • @RedGiantNews
Turn any photo into cinematic, dramatic black and white. Don't just take a photo. Tell a story.
Noir Photo transforms your photos into rich black and white, with beautiful, dramatic lighting that you control. Highlight your subject with the customizable vignette, then dial in the lighting and contrast.
• Spotlight what matters with Noir's fun and easy vignette controls.
• Everything is at your fingertips. Three simple dials control the lighting inside and outside the vignette, and overall contrast.
• Set the mood with one of four color tints.
• Get started instantly with one of six presets, then tweak it to make it your own. You can even save your own presets with a long press!
• Share your beautiful, full-resolution cinematic photos anywhere! #noirphoto
This is the date of the app's last update that we manually reviewed. It may have updated since then — or maybe not.Photo & Video
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