App by Poster Child Pictures Inc.
"A minimalist filmmaker's viewfinder for your iPhone."
Cinescope version 2 is a filmmaker's best friend. Capture your vision with industry-standard aspect ratios, or create and save your own. Swipe the screen using one or two fingers to quickly tweak focus, exposure, tint, and temperature to create the perfect atmospheric mood. Shoot high resolution video in various aspect ratios and at various frame rates. The new library editor allows you to crop your media or optimize for Instagram with mattes colors based on the color palette of your image.
This is the date of the app's last update that we manually reviewed. It may have updated since then — or maybe not.Photo & Video
Pro Filmmaker Apps is a curated database that can help you get a job done a little better or a little faster. This is a regularly updated resource of hundreds of mobile, tablet, watch, and desktop apps. We only include apps made for and used by film, television, and digital media professionals. Originally on FWDlabs.com, now at ProFilmmakerApps.com. Since 2008.
No Film School • More"[T]he Best Curated Filmmaking Apps. ... A great resource for filmmaking apps. ... Pro Filmmaker Apps is just doing us a solid by creating a database."