Script Supervisors, Make Up Artists, Prop Masters and Set Dressers
App by wymsee Inc. • @synconset
Sync OnSet is a digital continuity and collaboration tool that helps streamline TV and Film production from prep to wrap. With Sync OnSet, your whole team can digitally manage script breakdowns, continuity photos, inventory, approvals, notes, and much more! Sync OnSet is currently available Costume, Make-up, Hair, and Props departments. Please visit: to learn more about its features.
This is the date of the app's last update that we manually reviewed. It may have updated since then — or maybe not.Productivity
Pro Filmmaker Apps is a curated database that can help you get a job done a little better or a little faster. This is a regularly updated resource of hundreds of mobile, tablet, watch, and desktop apps. We only include apps made for and used by film, television, and digital media professionals. Originally on, now at Since 2008.
"[T]he Best Curated Filmmaking Apps. ... A great resource for filmmaking apps. ... Pro Filmmaker Apps is just doing us a solid by creating a database."No Film School • More