About the filmlet App

Developer & Support

App by another tech startup UG (limited liability)

Developer's Description

(Note: iOS app is limited to the Apple's App Store in Germany.)

Welcome to the new era of filmmaking!

Save time and communicate seamlessly - by using filmlet to create, share and receive callsheets.

Creating and sharing callsheets

Use filmlet’s smart features (e.g. contact import, drag-and-drop and automatic time scheduling, & many more) to create call sheets in a snap.

Share personalized call sheets with your cast & crew with one click and use push notifications to keep everyone up-to-date.

Receiving call sheets

Use this app, call sheets are personalized. Intuitive to read. And beautifully designed. Plus, never be worried again about missing important information - you will receive push notifications, if changes to your call sheet have been made.

1. Create call sheets effortlessly
Filmlet’s smart features make creating call sheets intuitive and fun! Import contacts from your adress book,insert locations using google maps, adjust schedules via drag-and-drop, use automatic time scheduling, attach pdfs & many more

2. Distribute call sheets with one click
Filmlet puts all the essential information together and generates personalized call sheets within seconds. Choose who gets to view sensitive data before sharing call sheets with one click.

3. Receive modern call sheets
After publishing or adjusting a call sheet, your cast & crew members receive a push notification via the filmlet app. Now, call sheets are personalized. Intuitive to read. And beautifully desinged.

4. Update call sheets the smart way
Schedule changed? No problem. Notify your cast & crew via push notifications by sharing synchronized call sheets.

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    This is the date of the app's last update that we manually reviewed. It may have updated since then — or maybe not.
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Last Updated on PFA: January 26, 2024  |  Added on PFA: January 26, 2024  |  App ID: 549

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